I love learning and seek to learn from any situation whether happy, sad, challenging or fun.
'65 - The US hadn't yet legalized interracial marriage throughout the country when I was born mixed race: 1/2 African-American and 1/2 White. My white mom decided she wasn't ready to raise me, so I spent the first five years of my life in two foster homes. Key learning - I knew I was loved by my second foster mother.
'70 - A White family adopted me, divorced a few years later, and four years after that my father, with whom I lived, remarried. Key learnings - Adults come and go; you can be kicked out of the family so you better toe the line.
'80 - At 15 I had my first gay experience but it took until 25 to accept myself as a gay man. Key learnings - You can be kicked out of the church so you better obey; acceptance & respect of oneself are the first steps to healing and living wholeheartedly.
'90 - At 25, I graduated, accepted myself, and began to teach but struggled to find a "tribe" and deeply figure myself out. Key learnings - It's painful to be alone and community really matters.
'00 - I met my birth mother in '98 but it was rocky going there for a while. In '00, I founded the Oracle Academy, traveled the world, and was still looking for my "tribe". Key learnings - It sucks to be alone and community really matters.
'10 - I met Sergio, my now husband, in 2008, we dated virtually by Skyping every day, married in 2013, and finally started living together in CDMX (Mexico City) in 2015. Professionally, while at Golden State Prep ('11-'15), I learned with the coaching of Ken Yale and the teamwork and modeling of Jen Nguyen, Javier Cabra, Stacy Thomas, Bronwyn LaMay, Dan DiCamillo, Krista Grapski and an outstanding leadership team how to work toward leading with Equity. Key learnings - I am worthy to be loved; equitable community really matters; leading is hard, vulnerable, and wonderful.
'20 - I turned 55, my favorite # twice, and am so filled with gratitude for so many people who have touched my life and cared about me so that through a lot of difficult experiences and self-reflection, I can be me and live a wholehearted life. Key learnings so far - Equatable community really matters; gratitude is a worthy practice; this moment is the only one we have so live well...
Thomas - July 2020
Please respectfully engage and comment; suggest and offer point or counterpoint with humility. Together, toward equity is both the journey our destination.